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Northeast Indiana Chief Information Officer Forum

2Q17 Healthcare Summit

The Northeast Indiana CIO Forum will support the second Northeast Indiana Healthcare Summit.  You are invited to the 2nd annual Cybersecurity Sum­mit to discuss present-day cybersecurity risks to healthcare organizations. Recognized cyber security experts will share best practices that can be used to help protect your organization from these threats. Please join us for a great morning of thought-provoking conversations related to the important, and ever-changing topic of cyber security. Do not miss this great opportunity to mingle with colleagues and enjoy a catered breakfast and lunch within the unique atmosphere of Parkview's Mirro Center for Research and Innovation. We look forward to seeing you there.   



Details In Brief

The Northeast Indiana Chief Information Officer (CIO) Forum will support the Indiana Infragard 2nd Healthcare Summit, Tuesday, May 2, 7:00 AM.  Do not miss this great opportunity to mingle with colleagues and enjoy a catered breakfast and lunch within the unique atmosphere of Parkview's Mirro Center for Research and Innovation.  Follow the registration link for the full agenda.      

What: 2Q17 Northeast Indiana CIO Forum

Host: Parkview Health  dib techapalooza

Where: Parkview Mirro Center, 10622 Parkview Plaza Dr., Fort Wayne, IN 46845

When: Tuesday, May 2, 7:00 AM for breakfast, 7:15 for the welcome.

Registration: Required - click here to register now for the Tuesday, May 2,  2017. 

For more information about the next meeting contact Clifford Clarke.


About the Forum

IT LeadershipThe Northeast Indiana Chief Information Officer (CIO) Forum is comprised of Information Technology leaders (CIOs, IT Directors, and IT Strategists). We meet quarterly, generally from 7:30 – 9:30 AM in various locations, sponsored by the group or other strategic partners, to discuss IT issues, trends, and best practices. This conversational series of sessions are designed to allow the free and confidential exchange of ideas so that CIOs and IT leaders can optimize their Information Technology operation.

The Northeast Indiana CIO Forum self-select the topics. The attendance in the group is limited to optimize the discussion. It is not a sales meeting of any type, although we do review appliances, applications, tools, and methodologies. It is designed to help CIO and IT Leaders remain connected to technology trends.

Contact us at 260-403-5855 if you are interested in joining this group or sponsoring a quarterly meeting. Additionally, various corporate sponsors host networking and learning events during the year.




CIO Forum at a Glance

Educational Value:

Connecting with peers is great. It provides us all with invaluable insights but based on comments from the advisory committee we will now feature a technology briefing. This quarter's meeting will feature a demonstration of Microsoft's cloud communication/collaboration tool Microsoft Lync.


Relationship Value:

The forum members have enjoyed the predictability of our format; however, the packed meeting did not optimize the potential for building of strong relationship. At the request of the advisory committee we will extend the meeting to 9:30 AM. This will respect your time and give opportunities to build strong relationships.


Forum Feedback

“Very well done -- Clifford thanks for organizing this.”

--Steve Gilliom, PHD Inc.

“ITIL (Forum Topic) makes us all better professionals”

--George Beckett, Parkview Health Systems

“Excellent topic -- great presentations”

--Joe Schoeph, Avalign Technologies

“Great session”

--Vicki Thompson, Superior Essex

“Very impressive. I wish I had known about this group a long time ago.”

--Kerry Sylvester, Water Furnace International

“I would like to see more interaction -- how can I help?”

--James Jordan, Strategic Data Management

“I would enjoy some time allotted to open up a round table discussion”

--Mike Altendorf, Do It Best Corp.


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